MAP 23 - Aerial imagery of the Hinckston Run Dam (Source: Google Earth 2019).
MAP 24 - General topographic map of the area at Hinckston Run Reservoir (dam), waterfall and the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area (Source: USGS National Map).
MAP 25 - 1977 topographic map 1 of 2 of Hinckston Run Reservoir (dam) and the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area. The waterfall is at the bottom left corner and the dam/reservoir is at the top of the map (Source: Consultant L. Robert Kimball & Associates from the National Dam Safety Program Phase I report).
MAP 26 - 1977 topographic map 2 of 2 of Hinckston Run Reservoir (dam) and the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area. The channel to the waterfall is at the bottom left-hand corner of the map and the small bridge that crosses the channel spillway is in the middle of the page. (Source: Consultant L. Robert Kimball & Associates from the National Dam Safety Program Phase I report).
MAP 27 - Aerial imagery of the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area (Source: Google Earth 2019).