PHOTO 6 - Hinckston Run stream within a concrete channel near the confluence with the Conemaugh River in the Minersville, Cambria City section of the City of Johnstown. This location is near to the old steel mill guard shack at the east (bottom) end of Iron Street,. The water spray is from an unknown pipe discharge emptying in to the confined channel which holds Hinckston Run just before the river.
PHOTO 7 - Conemaugh River where Hinckston Run stream confluences with the Conemaugh River in the Minersville, Cambria City section of the City of Johnstown. The 4th Avenue bridge is visible in the middle of the photograph. This photograph was taken prior to the most recent bridge repair and improvement project between 2016 and 2018.
PHOTO 8 - The 4th Avenue bridge rehabilitated and improved between 2016 and 2018 as viewed from the middle of the Conemaugh River in the Minersville, Cambria City section of the City of Johnstown. The “Knob” is in the background to the right (north) of the bridge.