
This Section is meant to follow the “Conclusion” section of the Website

This section of the website is intended to provide routine updates of progress on any or all of the information presented. I developed and substantially completed this website using tools available from SQUARESPACE web builder (https://www.squarespace.com/). I had never worked on a website before. I completed this summary of all my research over the course of calendar year 2019.

I purchased the domain in July 2019 and most of the website was done and ready to go by the end of December 2019. However, I could not afford to pay to go live with my subscription until spring of 2020. The website finally went live in March 2020. I have to pay $20 yearly for the domain and $23 monthly for the website in order to keep it posted and active I will continue to do so as long as I possibly can and I will make effort to post routine updates every so often for anyone interested.

The update entries provided below are in chronological order from bottom to top.

Update # 7 (December 2023): My sweet wife Judi has been gone now for about nine months. Our anniversary is tomorrow. It would have been our 28th. I continue to miss her dearly every single day. On the website front, I continue to hear stories of unusual deaths and serious medical conditions of people from Middle Taylor quite often. It is so sad that nobody knows this history of this and as time goes by the discovery of the cause of so much death, sickness and disease will be lost and forgotten.

Update # 6 (March 2023): I lost my beautiful, wonderful wife and very best friend of 28 years, Judith A. Thomas, after her/our valiant fight against Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. After most of calendar year 2021 going through chemotherapy, a liver resection surgery, more chemo, and continuing hormonal and immunotherapy injection treatments, the cancer returned with a vengeance in January 2023. This time it came back again with an “innumerable” amount of tumors in the liver, one spot on the left hip bone, and five tumors in the brain in three different locations. The cancer being in the brain was new. A different chemo regime was started along with ten whole brain radiation treatments in early February 2023. Following the radiation treatments, she became very much more fatigued than usual. By the end of February, she took a turn for the worse and became very lethargic, had difficulty eating and drinking, could not stand or walk, and had some other new serious symptoms too. This resulted in a 911 ambulance call and trip to the hospital where her condition worsened. Because of her condition as described, all cancer treatment had to cease and additional scans showed tumors in the brain were not reduced in size or magnitude from the radiation treatments and her condition was such that she was too weak and critical body functions, like temperature and blood sugar, were starting to be affected and there was not enough time to allow for the radiation to work in a lag fashion. After about a week in the hospital, we were then given the talk that nobody ever wants to hear that “there is nothing more we can do” and “she has very little time left”. On March 7th , she came home under hospice care and in just one and half (1-1/2) days later on March 9, 2023 in the early morning hours My Love passed away. My four boys and I were present at her side. Our entire family, including our grandchildren, and friends including all of her breast cancer support group friends are devastated. I will never be the same. I miss her dearly. See the end of the Johnstown Gallery (Extra) section for some memorial photos. A tribute to her amazing life can be found here (I wrote every word of it): https://www.hollomon-brown.com/obituaries/Judith-A-Thomas?obId=27492072#/obituaryInfo

Update # 5 (January 2023): I continue discussion with a local resident of Middle Taylor Township, Mr. Ron Shawley, who is a stringent advocate, steward, and protector of the history and environment of Middle Taylor Township, Greater Johnstown and beyond. He has been instrumental on several successful initiatives in the Township including the Honan Avenue Community Hiking and Biking Trail, the Veterans Memorial Park at the Hinckston Run dam, and various commemorative, educational and historical marker signs affiliated with the Rosedale coke plant and Rosedale Village work camp and shanties.

Update # 4 (December 2021 - January 2022): I got an inquiry from a person at the end of December 2021. I have been in contact with and am coordinating with that person. I continue to get inquiries from web designers. In addition, the end of 2021 and the start of 2022 was not good for me and my family. On December 13, 2021 we found out that my wife of 26 years, Judith A. (Yahner) Thomas, who battled Stage 2A breast cancer through 2019 was diagnosed with a mass on her liver. After further testing and scans, it was confirmed that it is secondary (re-occurring) metastatic Stage 4 breast cancer. We will continue with a series of another four chemotherapy treatments every three weeks starting in February 2022 and ending in April 2022. We are not sure what waits for us beyond that. We will continue the fight together! Also, it is with deep regret, sadness and a heavy heart for me to report that on January 5, 2022 my father John E. Thomas passed away unexpectedly. He was 77 years old and in pretty good shape for his age. He was a great father, a super grandfather and great-grandfather, a true hero and my best friend. He was one of the 800,000 plus unfortunate victims of the worldwide pandemic and public health emergency known as novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). The timing was during the Omnicron variant phase surge in December 2021/January 2022. The cause of death was ruled as respiratory failure due to COVID-19. He had both vaccinations. He had no major underlying conditions. Over the course of the two years of the pandemic, he protected himself very well, pretty much staying confined to his apartment except for going out for necessities. He went from getting sick just after Christmas to getting a COVID-19 test with positive result to found passed away in his apartment in Minersville all within about nine days. We are devastated. See the end of the Johnstown Gallery (Extra) section for some memorial photos. A tribute to his life and obituary can be found here: https://www.fgozogfuneralhome.com/obituary/John-Thomas

Update # 3 (August 2021): I added a section to the website about being aware always of the presence of the Quemahoning Dam above the City of Johnstown. I continue to get inquiries from web designers. I will continue on.

Update # 2 (June 2021): I got a general inquiry from a local resident thanking me for my work on the website and requesting some basic information about my research as it pertained to a recreational trail within the Hinckston Run stream valley. I continue to constantly see complaints about power outages and installation of public sanitary sewer service rather than any concern at all about information in this website. I continue to get inquiries from web designers. I will continue on.

Update # 1 (May 2021): I continue to pay the fees to keep the website active. There has been no interruption of the website since it’s inception in March 2020. Therefore, it has been live for about a year and a half now. The time period between the inception and this update was basically when everyone was dealing with a worldwide pandemic and public health emergency due to the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Any chance I get though, I post the website link, especially on facebook, when there are posts about anything Middle Taylor Township, steel mills in the Cambria City section of Johnstown, and/or the former site of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation Rosedale Coke Plant. This seems to happen quite often. On occasion, I do get likes or minor facebook text replies. But unfortunately, other than some inquiries from website developers trying to fish and find work, I have not had one inquiry from any legitimate person about information on this website. I have even had one person, after I posted the website link to a Middle Taylor Township related facebook post ask - “why is this being posted here”. Really? If you live in Middle Taylor Township you would think you would care just a bit about it. Anyways, I will continue on.