MAP 12 - Aerial map and representative elevation profile generally from west to east across Prosser Hollow valley through Benshoff Hill/Valley View and across the Hinckston Run stream valley to East Taylor Township just south of the location of the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area. The right side of the profile is the Hinckston Run stream. The left side of the profile is Prosser Hollow.
MAP 13 - Aerial map and representative elevation profile of Benshoff Hill/Valley View east through the Hinckston Run stream valley to the Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area. Hinckston Run stream is at Elev. 1222 and the disposal area is at Elev. 1495.
MAP 14 - Aerial map and representative elevation profile from where our house was south across the Hinckston Run valley near where the Bethlehem Steel Corporation Rosedale coke plant was situated. The house where we lived was at Elev. 1630 and the coke plant was at Elev. 1260 (70 feet of vertical elevation difference).
MAP 15 - General topographic map showing Middle Taylor Township (1977 USGS). Hinckston Run Reservoir (dam) in at the top right (northeast) corner of the map. Riders Dump (Rosedale) Disposal Area is labeled as “Dump” and the Bethlehem Steel Corporation Rosedale coke plant is present in the bottom left (southwest) corner of the map just to the right (east) of the Cambria City, Minersville section of the City of Johnstown.
MAP 16 - Zoom in from Map 15 showing the Benshoff Hill/Valley View section of south Middle Taylor Township (1977 USGS). Buildings/structures of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation Rosedale coke plant are visible in the bottom center (south) part of the map just to the right (east) of the Cambria City, Minersville section of the City of Johnstown. Hinckston Run stream runs through the coke plant complex and can be seen on the right (east) side of the map. The stream does go underground through a portion of the site by a concrete box culvert enclosure.
MAP 17 - Topographical map of the area locally known as the “Knob”. This feature was a high topography area situated along Benshoff Hill Road above (north) of the Minersville, Cambria CIty section of the CIty of Johnstown. The hill is at Elev. 1649. This area is located just to the southwest of where our house was located on Benshoff Hill/Valley View.
PHOTO 1 - View of the “Knob” behind the historic Stone Bridge at the “Point” in the Cambria City section of Johnstown. The river is the Conemaugh River just below the confluence of the Little Conemaugh and the Stonycreek.
PHOTO 2 - View of the “Knob” in the background from the middle of the Conemaugh River just past the historic Stone Bridge at the Point. The old Cambria Ironworks mill is to the right.
PHOTO 3 - Vintage view basically at the same location as the just above picture as taken from along Roosevelt Boulevard just past (north of) the historic Stone Bridge at the Point. The “Knob” is in the background to the left. The Johnstown Plant Bethlehem Steel mill is to the right just beyond the Conemaugh River. Date is probably 1950’s based on the vehicles on the road (source of photograph is unknown).
PHOTO 4 - View of Minersville in the Cambria City section of the City of Johnstown. The big hill in the background is the “Knob”. The cut in the river wall in the bottom center of the photograph is where Hinckston Run stream confluences with the Conemaugh River.
PHOTO 5 - View looking up (northwest) to the “Knob” from Iron Street in the Minersville, Cambria City section of the City of Johnstown.